Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thank You Mr. President, I Honor You Today

While unintended I’m sure, Obama has in fact given us positive “change” to believe in. During the last election cycle the veil of secrecy that has shrouded Washington was at last lifted and while Americans are still waiting for the President to make good on his campaign promise of “total transparency”, we should at least be able to admit that the election of President Obama has brought about some positive change.

More and more Americans are waking up and getting involved with their government. They are taking an active role in their re-education of American history and are learning all they can about our political system. They have discovered just how out of touch Washington is with the rest of the country and how the Washington elite will stop at nothing to push what “they” think is best for the country.

A fine example is the “super-secret, super-plan” to push Obamacare through. Politicians must believe that Americans are stupid or at least are too busy with out pathetic little lives to question why they would attach something as important as healthcare reform as an amendment to a bill taxing the bonuses of TARP recipients.

I’m sure we will be bombarded with messages from the Obama Administration as well as Reid, Pelosi and Frank going on and on about how THEY have gone after the big, bad capitalists, how THEY are going to “make ‘em pay” and how it was the companies that caused the economic crisis and your lot in life.

For decades the “Progressives” have spent their time dumbing down America. They have pushed their agenda in the Government controlled school system, forcing educators to teach what is wrong with America rather than what made this country great. They have forced us into a failed two party system where one side is just as bad as the other. Shouldn’t we be electing officials based on what they believe in rather than what party they stand with? Like faithful sheep Americans have stepped into the voting booth and pulled a party lever, often times voting AGAINST someone rather than FOR someone.

Obama’s election proved that it is possible to win on “celebrity” rather than experience, it showed us the corruption of the media and taught us an important lesson that one station, one news paper and one web site isn’t good enough anymore.

The Obama Administration has brought about a change in our political landscape and how we talk to one another. Politics is no long a taboo subject and has become the water cooler topic of choice. Americans no longer have the patience for conversations about American Idol or Survivor. The American Giant is awake and it is hungry, hungry for knowledge, and for that I would like to say, “thank you Mr. President, I honor you today”.