What is with the "right wing" talk show hosts?
I turned on the Michael Savage program today and only listened to about 10 minutes before he went off about Fox News and started calling Hannity, Beck and O'Reilly names. Savage believes that the meeting between David Axelrod and Roger Ailes will result in Fox News, along with other News Corp. entities "toning down their criticism of the Obama Administration". He believes that we will begin to hear a much different tune being sung by our favorite Fox personalities. For what ever reason I personally have seen the change in O'Reilly. Other than his occasional shout out with Daffy Duck, I mean, Barney Frank, he seems to be taking it easier on the current administration. That aside, does Savage, does anyone for that matter think that Beck is going to tone it down? Never! Even if they find a way of silencing him do they think no one will pick up where he left off?
Now before I get hate messages about Savage let me say that I like Michael Savage. His book "Savage Nation" is the first "political" book I ever read and started me on my quest for truth.
I have heard the same arguments over and over again... "Fox News isn't balanced". "They're nothing but a mouth piece for the Republicans". So what! There is a MAJOR difference between hosts and reporters. I have friends who fancy themselves "reporters", no, my dear friends, you are not a reporter, you simply have an opinion and a keyboard. For those who don't get it, here's the difference; Hosts are entertainers, their purpose is to boost ratings and drive revenue, reporters, report the news, not make it. If you're a reporter and you want to write an editorial, great, but don't label it news. Simply give the who, what, where, when, why and how and leave your thoughts out of it, no one cares.
Which brings me to the point of my opinionated little article... Any one who gets their news from one station, one newspaper or one site is a moron. I listen to and read many different things in order to form my opinions so I am not led around like some mindless zombie. You know why the "left" has been so successful at force feeding us their liberal crap? Consistency. I'll give them credit for that, they have established their goal and everyone is on board. When are conservatives going to figure this out?
It's okay for us to disagree with one another about how to get to our goals but why belittle each other in the process? I charge those that name call as caring more about their ratings than they do their country and doing so makes it harder for us to achieve our goals.
So to all of you, name calling and belittling your fellow conservatives I leave you with the words of my father..."If I have to stop this car and come back there, you will be sorry!"